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1  RypelCam / Red Orchestra 2 / Re: Red Orchestra 2 RypelCam > Download on: Wed 24.05.2017 05:54:14
Thanks for the response! RypelCam is a big help for making ro2 videos, but is there any more documentation that's ro2 specific?
There is a brief description in the readme file that comes with the RO2 RypelCam. It covers the basics like how to create and edit a camera path.

Speaking of which, I noticed you record without making use of camera paths. Have you already discovered that feature? Simply move around and create some points. (key: numpad 5)
At least 4 of such points are required to draw a path between those points so that the camera can fly along the path. (key: numpad 3)
If you reload the demo you can enable a feature called timed path. With this the camera can also fly along the path based on the time you created the single points. (key: t)

This way you can follow players without even having to manually control the camera movement or view angle.

Camera paths are not really suitable for stationary action but rather for smooth moving scenes. For examples you can take a look at the game trailers of Tripwire Interactive.

Just added today:

(Killing Floor 2 trailer using RO2 RypelCam)

Whenever there is use of the first person view they don't play demo replays but record live games. I don't know yet if 1st person will work properly :-D

Also, are keybinds hardcorded for RypelCam? Or you can change RypelCam so that keybinds can be changed via config file?
RypelCam doesn't make use of the default input system and as for now the key binds are not customizable.

I have since learned to use the camera paths and it is much better! But the one thing that really bugs me is the lack of a proper way to rewind. I have tried to simply seeking to a previous frame, however this has also caused the game to sometimes crash or break the demo forcing me to reload it.

Any thoughts on what else I should try?
2  RypelCam / Red Orchestra 2 / Re: Red Orchestra 2 RypelCam > Download on: Thu 09.03.2017 10:05:52
Hi grepCat!

Also, I am not sure how to have the weapons show in first person. The UI says the binding is 'l' but it is not working.
It was like that in Heroes of Stalingrad. With the Rising Storm update some UE3 commands like "behindView" got removed and others were renamed for some reason. These changes were not adopted in RCam. I can look into this.

Rewind I am still testing different settings, but as of right now it causes random fps spikes during normal playback.
Be aware that this is an experimental feature in UE3, it might lead to crashes or various errors like hidden player models (hidden until respawn).
Rewinding may also remove parts of the camera path depending how far back in time you go. To avoid this causing problems, save your project before rewinding, and afterwards reload the project.

Thanks for the response! RypelCam is a big help for making ro2 videos, but is there any more documentation that's ro2 specific?

Also, are keybinds hardcorded for RypelCam? Or you can change RypelCam so that keybinds can be changed via config file?
3  RypelCam / Red Orchestra 2 / Re: Red Orchestra 2 RypelCam > Download on: Wed 01.03.2017 02:52:21
RypeL created a new RO2 RypelCam which runs on the new Rising Storm multiplayer.
Download it here.

New commands:

- seekToFrame 'frame' 'speed' -> more reliable than the seekto command with timestamp. The Time in the demo often is way different in different viewings of the demo, the framecounter is always the same and accurate.
-'F'-Key: As close as i could get to a pause mode so far. The issues of the pause lies within RO2 and atm seems unlikely that i could fix it.
- DepthOfField 'enabled(true/false)' 'FocusDistance'
- WriteColladaFile true false -> creates C4D file in C:\...\My Games\RedOrchestra2\ROGame\User
- FOV changes in the campath should be working now (select a campoint with 'Num+'/'Num-' and the hit 'O' to switch into fov mode and then hit 'Num7'/'Num8' to change fov for that campoint. 
- Moving in pause mode works now

In timedpath mode you can also use the dynamic slowmo feature. For that i recommend recording the camera first with fraps or so with the RCam hud turned on so that you can see the framecounter. Then you can plan at what framecounts the game should speed up or slow down. Then you can make a "slowmo script" in the RORypelCam.ini by adding something like this to the end of the ini (example):

What this would do is it would start of with demospeed 1.0 (= normal) at frame 296 but then transition to speed 0.15 from frame 296 through frame 320. Then from frame 320 on it speeds up again to reach speed 2.0 at frame 360.
If you, for instance, wanted to keep the speed of 0.15 from frame 320 till 340 before speeding up again you would then do it like this:
So there always need to be as many of 'TimedilationframeTimedilation' as there are 'Timedilationframe'.
(If you want to deactivate the scripted slowmos again without deleting them from the ini altogether the easiest way is just changing the first Timedilationframe to something very high no demo would ever reach, like changing 296 to 29600000)

Rewind ... does work! Though i have only tested it briefly yet, not sure if there are sideeffects in RO2. In UDK it works decent but crashes when you rewind past a point where a vehicle or flag was destroyed/vanished. Not sure yet how stable it is in RO2. You need to do a change to the ROEngine.ini to make it work:
In the ROEngine.ini search for
and replace that with
You could potentially play arround with this numbers, but these are the UDK defaults. The command for rewinding is 'demorewind' wich with each press rewinds by like half a second. Keep an eye on the framecounter displayed in the RCam hud while rewinding to get an idea how far you rewinded and how far you need to rewind to get to your point of interest again, as the freecam will most likely jump into places/back in time away from the action aswell wich can make it a bit confusing. The freecam not staying in place like that is in the UDK version aswell and its a sideeffect of the rewind i cant do something against.

First I want to say thank you for this awesome camera mutator, it will really help in a ro2 project I am working on.

Also, I am not sure how to have the weapons show in first person. The UI says the binding is 'l' but it is not working.

Rewind I am still testing different settings, but as of right now it causes random fps spikes during normal playback.
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