Dark Clan Forum

Guests Area => Videos => Topic started by: VegasKill on Sun 27.12.2009 18:26:42

Title: Unreal Engine for iphone
Post by: VegasKill on Sun 27.12.2009 18:26:42
That is what they're doing: Epic cares about its Engine, not the gamers.
I wonder when the first clan wars are played on the iphone... teamspeak should not be the problem! :D


Title: Re: Unreal Engine for iphone
Post by: Bloody.Bender on Sun 27.12.2009 18:37:27
LOOL I just read the same article on another tab xD Then I saw you posting this.

Title: Re: Unreal Engine for iphone
Post by: aka_sova on Tue 29.12.2009 12:13:55
oh my god, that is so gay...who wants to play shooter on touch-screen? They just waste time instead of doing something useful...